Lay Leadership

Concord Leadership Team

The Bible has much wisdom to share about good leadership. Listed below is a collection of qualities consistent with biblical leadership.


The gift of discernment is the divine enablement to distinguish between truth and error. It is the ability to discern the spirits, differentiating between good and evil, right and wrong. Scripture references are 1 Corinthians 12:10, Acts 5:1–4, and Matthew 16:21–23.


The gift of wisdom is the divine enablement to apply spiritual truths effectively to meet needs in specific situations. Scripture references are 1 Corinthians 12:8; James 3:13–18; 1 Corinthians 2:3–14; and Jeremiah 9:23–24.


Elders serve a 6-year term, then require a 1-year ineligibility period.

John Clark

(Ineligible for Nomination)

Keith Cole

(Ineligible for Nomination)

Rich Conrad

(Ineligible for Nomination)

Tony Piel

(Ineligible for Nomination)

Joshua Post

Elder- (Serving 6-year term)

Advisory Council

Carol Zimmer

Rneill Wells

Carolyn Amen

Wade Burns

(Eligible for Nomination - Elder Board)

Concord Members Guide to Selecting Elder and Advisory Council Leadership Team

General Guidelines for Elders
  • A member of Concord for at least 5 years (except in the case of the Pastor) 
  • Active teacher/leader in ministry  
  • Satisfies scriptural qualifications (1 Tim 3:1-7; Tit 1:5-9;1 Pet 5:1-4; Gal 5:22-26), as interpreted, affirmed/clarified by the Senior Pastor and the sitting Elder Board. 
  • Maintains a history of supporting the Church with consistent tithes and offerings. 
  • A man who has the capacity, flexibility, and availability to serve. The time requirement will vary greatly month to month, but the minimum includes monthly meetings, annual retreats, and committee meetings as needed 


General Guidelines for Members of the Advisory Council
  • A member of Concord for at least 5 years 
  • Regularly participates in a connection class, life group or focus study 
  • Maintains a history of supporting the Church with consistent tithes and offerings. 
  • Is someone whom you feel displays the spirit of Wisdom (Acts 6:3) 
  • A person who has the capacity, flexibility, and availability to serve. The time requirement will vary greatly month to month, but the minimum includes monthly meetings, annual retreats, and committee meetings as needed. 


  • Prayerfully support the members of the Elder Board by praying for them by name 
  • Faithfully attend scheduled meetings 
  • Give honest input on discussions 
  • Assist the Elder Board with key leadership decisions by seeking and gathering key information on pertinent topics as requested by the Elder Board 
  • Seek ways to bring unity rather than divisiveness and comradery rather than tribalism among the Leadership Teams    
General Attributes for High Level Leadership for Both Elders and Members of the Advisory Council

The Bible has much wisdom to share about good leadership. Listed below is collection of qualities consistent with biblical leadership. 


The gift of discernment is the divine enablement to distinguish between truth and error. It is the ability to discern the spirits, differentiating between good and evil, right and wrong. Scripture references are: 1 Corinthians 12:10; Acts 5:1–4; and Matthew 16:21–23. People with this gift: 

  • Distinguish truth from error, right from wrong, pure motives from impure motives. 
  • Identify deception in others with accuracy and in an appropriate manner. 
  • Determine whether a word attributed to God is authentic. 
  • Recognize inconsistencies in a teaching, prophetic message, or interpretation. 
  • Can sense the presence of evil. 


The gift of wisdom is the divine enablement to apply spiritual truths effectively to meet needs in specific situations. Scripture references are: 1 Corinthians 12:8; James 3:13–18; 1 Corinthians 2:3–14; and Jeremiah 9:23–24. People with this gift: 

  • Focus on the unseen consequences in determining what next steps to take. 
  • Receive an understanding of what is necessary to meet the needs of the body. 
  • Provide divinely guided or given solutions in the midst of conflict and confusion. 
  • Hear the Spirit provide direction for God’s best in a given situation. 
  • Apply spiritual truth in specific and practical ways. 

 Godly Influencers

The gift of leadership is the divine enablement to envision the future of the church coupled with a humble heart to serve others. Scripture references are: Genesis 12:1; Isaiah 43:18–19; Matthew 7:7; Matthew 20:25–28; Luke 22:27; John 10:3–4, 11; I Corinthians 2:9–13; and James 1:5. People with this gift: 

  • Are servants by nature; eager to see the church prevail in the world. 
  • Demonstrate spiritual foresight that anticipates the work of God. 
  • Allow Scripture and prayer to inform their decision-making process. 
  • Impart vision to others using clear communication. 
  • Can assess significant past events and their potential for impact on the present and future. 
  • Are able to think creatively and apply ideas and concepts in new ways. 
  • Desire accountability in fulfilling their responsibilities and meeting the needs of those they serve. 


Biblical Prerequisites for Elders (Specific Attributes for the Role)

Each Candidate will be asked specifically about each of the following qualifications during the interview process: 

Titus 1:6-9 Elder qualifications 

  • Must be above reproach (blameless) 
  • Must be a faithful Husband 
  • Children must be believers and not wild and rebellious 
  • Must not be self-willed (not overbearing) 
  • Must not be quick tempered 
  • Must not be addicted to alcohol 
  • Must not be pugnacious (not violent) 
  • Must not pursue dishonest gain 
  • Must be hospitable 
  • Must love what is good 
  • Must be sensible (self-controlled) 
  • Must be just 
  • Must be devout (holy) 
  • Must be disciplined 
  • Must be firmly committed to the word of God 
  • Must be able to exhort and refute those who contradict the word of God.

1 Peter 5:1-3 

  • Responsible for shepherding those in the church 
  • Must willingly provide oversight 
  • Must not seek dishonest gain 
  • Must be eager to serve 
  • Must not lord it over those in the church 


Selection Process for Elders:

Phase 1 

The Elders (non-ex officio), who serve as representatives of the church, are nominated by the congregation and undergo a prayerful screening, interview, and approval process.  This process includes the following: 

  1. The Senior Pastor and the Transition Team will create the initial Elder Board Vetting Process and Policy/Procedure. This interview process will seek to discover the men who, to the highest degree possible, meet the criteria of the Holy Scriptures and the By-Laws affirmed by this congregation.  
  2. The Church will pray and then will nominate from one to seven men whom they feel are proper candidates for the Elder role.  
  3. Potential candidates are then informed that they have been selected and should respond if they are interested in pursuing the nomination. 
  4. If the nominees agree to pursue the nomination then their names will appear on a list of potential candidates that will be given to the congregation. The congregation will have 14 days to respond with an evidence-based reason (not gossip or hearsay) in a letter for dismissing a candidate. This letter must be signed by the accuser and delivered to the Senior Pastor or member of the Transition Team. If there is no substantiated accusation, then the nominees will move on to the next step. 
  5. The nominees will then be interviewed by the Elder Board Vetting Team to insure each fulfills the Biblical role of Elder. 
  6. The final candidates will be presented to congregation to seek the full affirmation of a congregational vote. The top vote getters will be receive the call for the Elder position with. Alternate Elders will be chosen from the remaining list of candidates that had the most votes outside of the top vote getters.  

Phase 2 

The Approved Elders would occupy the role of elder immediately. The first step in their training would be to commit to a series of Orientation Steps that would include: 

  • Meeting briefly with each fulltime staff member to understand highlights and main focuses of each area.  
  • Attending each major ministry area during an active ministry event 
  • Attend a leadership training exercise with the Senior Pastor 



Selection Process for Advisory Council
  1. The Church will pray and then will nominate from one to four people whom they feel are proper candidates for the Advisory Council role. 
  2. Potential candidates are then informed that they have been selected and should respond if they are interested in pursuing the nomination. 
  3. The nominees will then be interviewed by the Elder Board Vetting Team to insure each fulfills the requirement of Godly wisdom. 
  4. The final candidates will be presented to congregation to seek the full affirmation of a congregational vote. The top vote getters will receive the call to serve on the Advisory Council. 
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