Disability Inclusion
Concord Church - A Church for Everyone

The goal of every staff member and volunteer in the Children’s Ministry department is to make your child feel loved by Jesus, their leaders, and their peers.
We currently include all children in the classes that best represents their developmental age, providing additional support and training for leaders as needed.
We have sensory and respite rooms available at any time for any child who needs a break.
The teenage years are tough in the best of circumstances. With the addition of cognitive, physical, social, or emotional challenges, life is simply more difficult to navigate – for everyone in the family.
As with younger children, our goal is to keep teens with their same-age peers so that they can connect with Jesus, grow in their faith, and serve others. This is even more impactful alongside new friends.
Concord Student Ministry (upstairs in The Rafters) also provides a room for students who need a quiet space or a place to chill.
Our mission for adults who live with a disability, and those who provide care for those living with a disability, is to MAKE A WAY Period.
As a believer in Christ, you have a place in the Body of Christ, and we want to help you find it.
Young Adult Friends – a class for those 18-40 who enjoy church-wide worship but require learning at a special level during the sermon.”
In-person Worship Sundays at 10:30a
Service projects, teaching, being a buddy, choir, decorating, maintenance, mission trips – the list is endless.