Keith Cole

Advisory Council

I’m married to Lisa Cole and have been married 28 years this April.  We have two sons, Matt (daughter-in-law, Renee) and Justin.

Hobbies and interests include riding my motorcycle, golfing, fishing, being in the outdoors, and most of all, spending time with Lisa.

I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior when I was 12 years old during VBS.  I went through a class and was then baptized by Pastor George Billings.  It was an amazing experience when I got baptized.  When I came up out of the water, I felt light and could feel this heaviness just leaving my body.

I’ve been a member of Concord since 1981, 41 years.

My ministry experience at Concord at one time or the other has included:  Men’s Prayer Partner Breakfast, Parking Lot Ministry, helped in Pre-School area, CD Ministry, part of a Life Group, served on the Advisory Board for WEE School, served as the Chairman of the Constitution / By-Laws Committee and currently serving as an Elder.

The ministry I’m most passionate about is serving in the ministries that focus on the administrative aspect of our church and leading us to be a Christ-led church.

My prayer for Concord is that it would focus on being a Christ-centered church and that our ministries would be a reflection of Jesus to our community.