Rich Conrad

(Ineligible for Nomination)

I gave my heart to Christ after a singles’ group Bible study in 1980.

Linda and I married in 1981, and we’ve raised 2 Godly sons.  Andrew, an electrical engineer–currently pursuing his PhD in EE at U of I in Champaign, Illinois, is married to Ashley, and they have 2 wonderful children:  Hunter (10) and Emma (8).  Our younger son, Mike, is a professional federal employee currently working/living in Australia with his family.  He’s married to Savanna, and they have 4 beautiful children:  Soren (6), Sage (4), Elsie (2), and Solomon (1). We’re blessed that 3 of our grandchildren have now decided to follow Jesus…Hunter, Emma and Soren.

Concord Church has been my church family since July 1980 when Linda invited me to come with her. I accepted Christ during this time, was baptized at Concord, married and raised our family at Concord, both our sons were married at Concord, and now our grandchildren come with us whenever they’re in town.  I enjoy the loving fellowship of the church family at Concord and the opportunity to be a part of various ministries here.

Being an Elder is interesting to me because I’m able to be a part of making decisions that affect and benefit the whole church.

An important Bible verse for me is Philippians 4:6 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

A strength that I bring to the Elder Board is discernment and being able to exercise that gift in decision making.