John Clark

(Ineligible for Nomination)

My salvation experience is When I was 10 years old I went forward in the church to accept the Lord because all my friends were doing it. I really did not know what I was doing but did not want to be left out by my friends. My parents were strong Christians and were at the church almost every time the door was open. There were very strict in there discipline and I did not do well in that kind of environment. Therefore, when I graduated from high school and went away to college I got involved in many things that were not pleasing to the Lord. My wife and I got married during my senior year in college. It wasn’t until my first son was born that I realized that I needed to follow the Lord because the lifestyle I was leading would only destroy my whole family if I continued. When turned direction to follow Christ, He was right there to accept me and had been pursuing me the whole time. Ever since that day he has made my life full with opportunities to serve him that truly have blessed my heart, The only regret I have is not giving my life to him sooner. When I look back I can see places where he protected me and placed the right people in the right place to draw me closer to him.. .

I have been married to my wife for 50 years and we have two married sons and 5 grandchildren.

We came to Concord in 1995

We are all called to use our gifts to further Gods kingdom. Since I owned and ran a chain of convenience stores, I have then knowledge given to me by God to lead people

One important Bible verse for me is

Philippians 2:3-4

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.