Wisdom for Temptation
Rusty Wirt   -  

Title: Wisdom for Temptation

Main Verse: James 1:12-17

Key Thought:  Whenever trials come, we can be sure that temptations are never far behind. Being tempted is not the problem. The real problem is that we don’t understand what God wants to do through our moment of temptation. Each temptation is really an opportunity to clarify what is really good. And what is not.


Supporting Points:

  1. Overcoming trials often bring blessing (1:12)
    1. You’ve passed through this
    2. God sees your endurance and will reward
    3. but James warns against blaming God for our temptation
    4. God tests your faith, but does not entice you to sin
  2. Temptation to sin comes not from above, but from within (1:13-15)
    1. Each one feels a longing for something that something beyond bounds. These things can be described as:
      1. A strong no
      2. A wait for the right time
  • A too much over the top
  1. A wrong place, wrong time
  1. Your temptation is tailored for you
  2. Dragged away (hunting terms)
  3. Enticed
  1. Don’t deceive yourself (1:16-17)
    1. Sin leads to death
    2. God gives good and perfect gifts


The Common Sin Cycle

Trial, Temptation, (the critical step) Internal Desire, Sin, Death

(Remember, trial and temptation often show up together)



Identify the steps in your Sin Cycle.

Identify the places or situations that drag you away or entice you

What good gift does God want to give you?

Take notes below