The Idol of Distractions
Rusty Wirt   -  

The Idol of Distractions 

Main Verse: Psalm 119:9-16


Key Thought: We are drowning in a storm of daily distractions. Much of this comes from the tiny device with a glassy screen and extreme Wi-Fi capabilities. Is there any way we can tame the idol of digital distractions tearing at our souls? Mercifully the answer is yes. God has provided us with a time-tested practice that helps us deconstruct the idol of distraction, and rebuild in its place a heart, focused and calm before a loving God. This is the practice of mediation.



  • The power of your dopamine cycle
  • How social media creates addictive patterns with this cycle


Supporting Points: 

  1. Through the Psalmist God addresses young people about staying on the path of purity (זָכָה) zackar (Psalm 119:9)
    1. Pure meaning not polluted with contaminants
    2. By arranging life by the word דָּבָר dâbâr
  2. The Psalmist confesses two things that seem opposite (119:10)
    1. I seek you, God
    2. I need your help to follow you
  3. Here is the process of embracing the God’s truth
    1. Put the word deep in our hearts
    2. Invite God to teach the decrees
      1. Prescribed tasks or limitations
    3. See how following God’s law is a blessing
  4. Summary statement
    1. This is meditation (on precepts – overarching rules or principles)
    2. Consider this
      1. Do this with consistency


How can you reduce screen time and increase Bible time.

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